Sandi Michelle Photography

Vibrant and joyful senior photos

A Ringling Museum Senior Session

For Emmah’s senior session, she decided to not just go big… but to go HUGE! Emmah chose a location for her senior pictures that was truly unique. She wanted her senior session to be at the Ringling Museum, in Sarasota, Florida. Emmah’s choice couldn’t have been more perfect.

There is so much to take in at the Ringling Museum. It truly is a feast for the eyes with all of the vibrant colored buildings, that have so much charm. But, when you first arrive, it can be a bit overwhelming to decide where you will be photographing. There are so, so many gorgeous buildings, sidewalks, open green spaces, gardens, and of course, Sarasota Bay to choose from, when you are considering where to take senior photos. But, we took a few minutes at the beginning of Emmah’s session to discuss and make a good plan… and then we were off!

The only thing we didn’t plan for was the drizzly rain that we had that day. But, with senior deadlines looming in the very immediate future, there was no time to re-schedule her session with the museum, so we had to just go for it. We were determined, that’s for sure! But first, I needed to run, and yes, I mean RUN back to my car to grab my two umbrellas. We only had so much time, and it was go time! Who knew I’d be taking beautiful photos of a stunning senior AND getting my workout done, all at the same time! Win-win!

Mable Ringling’s Rose Garden

Emmah’s first outfit choice was her casual jeans that she paired with a more dressy black blouse. Of course, she looked amazing and I loved how her black top was such a great contrast against the vibrant colors that were all around us. Then, as we headed over to the rose garden which was named after Mable Ringling, the wife of John Ringling, it started raining a little bit harder. But, rather than letting this current situation dampen our spirits, (no pun intended) we pressed on. And as I was photographing Emmah, from underneath my umbrella to protect my camera equipment, I noticed that the drizzle created a soft, ethereal effect that made her photos look even more amazing! Whew… another win for our day!! The gentle rain was such a compliment to the lush surroundings, and Emmah looked absolutely beautiful!

Museum of Art

Our next location was a reprieve, for sure… and it was perfect timing. We were headed to the Museum of Art. It is one of the main attractions at the museum, and it surrounds a lovely courtyard. It has open air walkways, as well as stunning archways and columns. But, on this day, the BEST part of this Museum of Art was that it was covered!!! It was starting to rain harder and we were so thankful to be photographing OUT of the rain for a bit.

While we were at the Museum of Art, Emmah looked gorgeous in her formal gown, which was so fitting for this part of her senior session. She looked like royalty as she walked through the museum’s outdoor walkways. It was such a stunning backdrop, and I was in photographer heaven!

Thankfully, the Museum of Art is so large that we were able to have Emmah change into her next outfit, which highlighted her cap and gown. It was a joy to capture her playful side as she swished back and forth in her cap and gown looking completely adorable. Then… finally… the rain let up, and we were ready to continue with her session.

Next, Emmah decided to mix it up and changed into her vintage, hippy outfit. This look was our favorite, as it truly showcased her fun and vibrant personality. If you could have only heard her mom and her photographer as we were (probably) a little overly excited about how adorable that Emmah looked. Her retro vibe, combined with the historic setting of the museum and trees, created a fun and unique backdrop.

Ca’ d’Zan

Next up… Emmah changed into her final outfit for the day. It seemed so appropriate that, after an afternoon of really hard work, creating her senior photos, that Emmah would change into the cutest and most comfy outfit to close out her session. I loved it! It was so Emmah!! The colors were perfect, and they perfectly contrasted against the “Ca’ d’Zan.” If you check out the link, you will see that this is the former home of John and Mable Ringling. It is so stunning and is one of the key attractions at the museum. It overlooks Sarasota Bay and the view is breath-taking. As always, Emmah was still smiling and working so hard, as we were closing out her session. But… We did it!!!! We all were a little tired but really, really proud of all that we accomplished on this drizzly day in Sarasota.

Whew… after reading all about Emmah’s senior session, we can probably agree that we all need to take a deep breath! We were on a mission, and a timeline, all while facing drizzly and even rainy weather, but this goes to show how strong and determined that Emmah is. She (her mom and me as well) worked so hard to make her senior photos happen… rain or shine! Emmah had the absolute BEST attitude… and her senior photos turned out stunning. What a testament that is to Emmah’s character.

Emmah, I am so proud of you! You are an amazing young woman and I know that you are going to do great things in this world. You don’t back down when you are faced with a challenge. In fact, you dig deep and make the decision to turn the situation into an adventure and make it FUN!!! That kind of attitude is going to serve you so well in life. The Lord has wonderful plans for you!!!

I am excited to see you as you start college very soon. Just know that I will be cheering for you here at home. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments… including your amazing senior photos! #classof2024

Class of 2025

My senior calendar is now open and you can contact me HERE to reserve your preferred FALL senior session date. I have already started booking Fall dates, and I want you to get the date that works best for you!! I can’t wait to meet you soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Emmah’s beautiful senior photos! Thanks for sticking around this long… ❤️

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photography by Sandi michelle photography