It’s your senior year and you already know that you can do hard things… even great things! Have you ever thought about how you can incorporate that same spirit of achievement, hard work, and fun into your senior session to make it more creative? Even if you haven’t thought that far yet… no worries, I’ve got you!!!

Unique Sessions
At this point in your high school journey, it’s time to start thinking about your senior pictures and how we can tell the story of YOU! What makes YOU unique? What can we showcase during your session that shows off your personality? Are you in any clubs, organizations, music, or sports? Do you have any hobbies or talents? If so, you’ll need to stop and think on that! THAT is exactly where the inspiration for your senior session starts! I want you to start thinking of those things that are unique to YOU and worth celebrating about you?

Most importantly: Props!
Yes, outfit and location choices are great to help tell your story, but the best way to tell your unique story is by bringing props. Props are the things that will tell your story in a very specific and intentional way, and they can be almost anything.

What tells your story?
Do you have the cutest puppy ever? Do you have a super fun car that you worked really hard to pay for and want to include in your senior session? Or did you play baseball and want your session on your home field, with your uniform and sports equipment? What you are passionate about and what needs to be included in your senior session?

The possibilities of telling your story are almost endless, and that is why I am here to help you. You will tell me your story, then we can start to put together all the things that tell your story. It will be fun, it will be easy, and it will be one of your favorite high school memories. It’s my specialty and I love seeing a great story come to life!!! So let’s tell your story!!

Contact Sandi
If you haven’t had your senior photos yet, be sure to reach out at, or you can simply hit the contact button at the top of the page, right here. I will call you once you reach out and we can get started with telling the story of YOU!!!!
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