Sandi Michelle Photography

Vibrant and joyful senior photos

Want to be a part of something extra special for your senior year? Want to meet other awesome high school seniors that you would not have otherwise met? Do you enjoy the creative process and being in front of a camera? 

This may just be the program for YOU!!!

Just keep scrolling to see what exactly a model team is.
I can't wait to meet you soon. 

SMP Model Team

The SMP model team is a family of seniors who love spending time together encouraging and supporting one another. Team members participate in several fun and creative photoshoots during the year, and are the face of Sandi Michelle Photography for their entire senior year. 

What exactly is the 
SMP Model team? 


You must be a current junior (class of 2025) to apply for the upcoming team. 

A high school junior

You can be a part 

of the SMP team if you are:


We do several fun and creative photos shoots throughout the year and that requires you to enjoy being in front of the camera. 


You can be a part 

of the SMP team if you: 

This includes things like keeping up with those good grades, being kind to everyone, and serving in your community in some capacity. 

are a leader and a
good role model
to your peers. 

You can be a part 

of the SMP team if you: 


Such a small amount of marketing on your part for such a huge return for you!!! 
 YOU are the one who is getting all of the beautiful photos... and it's for your entire senior year!! 

Are willing to partner with my business  by sharing your images on your social media with your friends and family. 

You can be a part 

of the SMP team if you: 


Applications for the class of 2025 are released in February 2024, and thoroughly reviewed by me (Sandi) before choosing the final model team members.

Completely fill out the application and let your parents know that you are applying to be a part of THE TEAM. 

You can be a part 

of the SMP team if you: 


Applications are CLOSED at this time

Drop your email here to receive the application


Your message has been delivered.

Thank you!

step three

 After reviewing the applications and getting to know you on our video call, I will begin the process of notifying my new SMP model team of their acceptance, in a fun way, in early Spring of 2024.
Once I know that all of my models have been notified, we will start our time together with a fun mini session & group shoot. Then we get to look forward to celebrating all year long. 

get excited about your upcoming photo shoots, new friendships,
and more!!!

step two

Once I receive and review the applications, I will begin scheduling video calls with each applicant and a parent. We will spend a little time getting to know each other and you will be able to ask any questions that you may have about the program.

Fill out and submit the application. Then, tell your friends to apply too! 

step one

Be among the first to get all of the information about the class of 2025 senior spokesmodel team. 
When you join the VIP list, you'll receive emails with information about the team, as well as the application. The VIP list will be released on 2/12/2024 and stay open for only a few days. Be sure to come back then to get yourself on the list. Everyone not on the VIP list will have access to the application on 2/19/2024.

Join the VIP list by entering your email below

How the program works:

New lifelong friends who will encourage you & cheer you on

At least 4 creative photo shoots during your senior year

Your own personalized senior session

Perks for telling your friends about SMP. You can earn bonus shoots, products, and other rewards.

What are some of the perks of being part of the team??

hang with Sandi daily

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photography by Sandi michelle photography