Sandi Michelle Photography

Vibrant and joyful senior photos

 Let's talk all about YOU...
because your unique story needs to be told!!

Senior Girls...

There is so much that goes into creating your own  personal story through photos, and I am here to help you every step of the way.    

From the time of your inquiry all the way to the delivery of your senior products, you're going to be in great hands and I can hardly wait to get started. 

Shooting locations

You have so many choices of locations for your senior session. THIS is the part of your senior
session where you can really add in your amazing personality and individuality.

Did you grow up going to the beach, or enjoying being out in nature, or at the sports field or the mall? What about the dance studio? Do you love the vibe of an urban location? Let's incorporate that into your session. Even if you have no idea of where to go for your session, we'll still figure out the perfect location just for you... I have so many ideas for locations!! 

If you have a new location that you want to try... that's even better! I always love trying out new locations and creating the most memorable session for each one of my seniors!!! I can't wait until we can discuss your special location!! 

Shooting Locations

Tap the "location" photos below to browse the galleries

work with Sandi

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photography by Sandi michelle photography