Sandi Michelle Photography

Vibrant and joyful senior photos

What to do with your dress after homecoming???

Your senior year is finally here!!! You have worked so hard to get to this point in your life, and along with continuing to work hard during this final year, with applying for colleges, taking ACT/SAT tests, etc… there are also so many amazing events that will happen this year.

The first major event is often Homecoming! The football game, spirit week, and the homecoming dance are all great, but there is something extra special about spending an afternoon with your best friends, trying to find that perfect, amazing dress for the homecoming dance. The pre-homecoming photos are a highlight of the day, with all of the squeals and ooh’s and aah’s, the hugs and laughter prior to the dance… you’ll always remember these special moments.

But then… it’s all over. It feels like you blinked and now you’re driving to Waffle House for your post homecoming meal. (At least that’s what happens in my neck of the woods). You spent so much time with friends, shopping, hair and makeup, taking photos, dancing… now it’s already over??? I mean… your beautiful dress!! How are you not going to wear it ever again? But then again…. Maybe you could, and maybe you should!!! 

Wear the dress!!!

Have you ever thought about bringing that gorgeous dress to your senior session? Honestly, you’ll never take “fancy” photos like these again, probably until your wedding day. So, this would be the perfect time to preserve your memories of homecoming by wearing your dress just one more time, at your senior session.

We will choose your location strategically to best showcase you in your stunning dress. You will never regret taking the extra effort to put that dress on just one more time and create even more forever memories… but this time, at your senior session.

Get Fancy!

Let’s do it! I love when my seniors go fancy!

If this sounds like something you’d like to do as a part of your senior experience, be sure to contact me at or click the contact button at the top of the page. Let’s get your session on the books. I can’t wait to meet you!

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photography by Sandi michelle photography