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Who do you contact about taking your senior pictures? Just because your friend has the latest phone with a great camera or a “nice” camera doesn’t mean that they really understand how to take beautiful photos.
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You spent so much time with friends, shopping, hair and makeup, taking photos, dancing… now it’s already over??? I mean… your beautiful dress!! How are you not going to wear it ever again? But then again…. Maybe you could, and maybe you should!!!
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It’s your senior year and you already know that you can do hard things… even great things! Have you ever thought about how you can incorporate that same spirit of achievement, hard work, and fun into your senior session to make it more creative? Even if you haven’t thought that far yet… no worries, I’ve […]
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Can you believe that you are already in the 2nd quarter of your senior year? Fun school activities such as homecoming, football games, other fall sports and more are in full swing! The days are getting shorter, the humidity is slightly lower, and the evenings are a just little cooler at night. Certainly by this […]
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My SMP model team was heading back to school as seniors. It was time for our Fall photoshoot, in the studio. The girls cheered for each other, they were creative, and the photoshoot was a huge success.
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A few years back, I once read about a Traveling Dress project from a photographer that I enjoyed following. The thought of several photographers taking the same dress and creating their own custom photoshoot, just for the sake of being creative seemed like a dream!!! Would I ever be able to take part in something […]
photography by Sandi michelle photography
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